Thursday, April 5, 2012

Linea Nigra

The bottom portion of my linea nigra developed a few weeks ago, the portion from my belly button on down. And about 2 weeks ago I noticed the top portion had formed as well, from my belly button on up. The linea nigra is a dark line, or in my case not so dark, that becomes visible during pregnancy thanks again to those raging hormones.

I think my line is pretty rad, its one of those pregnancy markers. Just another one of my little reasons to do a little dance infront of the mirror after showering. Although I did find something odd about it. The top portion goes in a drastic curve around my belly button and doesn't match up with the bottom. I don't find the non-matching odd, but I do find the curve to be a bit strange. I am thinking it might have something to do with my belly button piercing, maybe? But I don't have any metal in it at the moment (yay for flexible maternity barbells). So really I have no idea why its so crooked, only guesses.

When I told Aaron the top portion of the line had developed he thought it was pretty cool. Then I told him, "but mine looks a little odd," and that very second he knew I was going to say that mine was crooked. "Of course its crooked, your always just a little off." I couldnt disagree.


  1. I didn't know they made maternity barbells! that is awesome!!

    1. Here is the website I got it off:
      It looked weird at first but the bigger I get the less ridiculous it gets.
