Friday, March 2, 2012

The Placenta Discussion

I am probably going to gross out some people with this post but I feel things are better when they are discussed rather than not. Id rather put it out there then pretend it doesn't exist.

I have been researching Placenta Encapsulation. There I said it, out loud. Yes, there are other ways to consume the placenta, in lovely steak form, cut up and put into smoothies but I honestly don't think I could stomach either of those. And putting Aaron through the preparation of that (because we all know I ain't touching it) just seems plain mean. Aaron and I discussed it and decided it probably would be best if we just kept my placenta consumption between us because people have such negative opinions about it. Such as cannibalism, eating one's own babies and so forth. But what if people are interested in it? What if they want to know more? So here we go... seems to be THE resource for families as well as "Placenta Specialists," who knew those even existed? The consumption of one's placenta has huge health benefits, they include: (taken from the website)

  • contain your own natural hormones 
  • be perfectly made for you
  • balance your system
  • replenish depleted iron
  • give you more energy
  • lessen bleeding postnatally
  • been shown to increase milk production
  • help you have a happier postpartum period
  • hasten return of uterus to pre-pregnancy state
  • be helpful during menopause

Aaron and I both were most intrigued by the reduction in the "baby-blues" or more severely Postpartum Depression. I get really bad anxiety over trivial things and the thought of that feeling taking over during that special time in my life scares the crap out of me (and Aaron). And the quick return of a pre-pregnancy uterus? Whats not to love about that? I also plan on breastfeeding, my goal is to do this for at least a year. I have heard many women with this same goal only make it a few months before the milk supplies run dry. It seems to me they need some placenta in their life!

Mammals consume their own placenta's in nature, they must know something most of us don't, so why not give it a try?

(There will surely be an update on this topic in the months to follow.)


  1. Replies
    1. Isnt it interesting? Its discussed among the "crunchy" mothers, I guess this is referring to "granola crunchers," which I guess I am a part of. But why isnt it discussed more widely? After all men and women have been consuming placenta for hundreds of years.

  2. Here is a funny Time Magazine article I found about placenta:,9171,1908442,00.html

  3. I know there are a couple burried in the yard across the street. Funny when they moved I don't think they took them to their new house....

    1. Hahah, just leaving placenta's everywhere they go!
