Friday, March 30, 2012

Learning the Montessori Methods

Yesterday was a day filled with baby/child classes. First we had our third Centering session, which I discussed yesterday in My Doula. Then when Aaron got off school we hurried to a Montessori Philosophy information session held at the Austin Montessori School. It was geared toward parents of 2-6 year olds but also went into detail about the learning process which starts at birth. We were the only couple in attendance who didn't have a child yet and also weren't on the waiting list. That waiting list must be scary long. All those families waiting to pay $8,000-$10,000 per year on a great education for their children. There goes our paychecks.

The Montessori way is new to both Aaron and I. While we have been doing quite a bit of research since finding out we were pregnant, neither Aaron or I grew up in that environment. I grew up in a Private school, as well as Catholic and Lutheran schools. And Aaron spent his childhood in Public Schools. Both of us having good and bad experiences.

The woman who led the session was a teacher at the school for ages 2 1/2 to 6 1/2 in what they call 'The Children's House.' What a fun age! She was very passionate about the Montessori way and its positive effect on children. What Aaron and I found most interesting was that before the age of 6, children are language geniuses, able to pick up any language they are submersed in. Aaron asked her the best way to integrate a child into a bilingual family, like our own. From her training and experience she said the best way was for one parent to speak one language to the child and the other parent to speak another. We had already planned on doing this, so it was good to hear we were on the right path. Ill only be able to understand parts of what Aaron and Penelope are discussing, this might be a bad thing, they might be plotting against me. My goal is to get Rosetta Stone so I'm not the odd man out while visiting Aaron's family and I can partake in Penelope's language building. Aaron's mother and I would actually be able to talk instead of sitting across from each other smiling, which I might say is working well so far. Maybe that's why she likes me so much.

Also discussed during the information session was a "No Screen" rule. Children before the age of 6 should not be watching television, movies, playing with iPhone's or iPad's, etc. From the tone of the teacher this seems to be a very hard rule for parents to follow. She stated that she can always tell when a child has been watching television because they have a lack of focus and attention. Makes sense. Aaron and I weren't planning on letting Penelope watching television either but a shock came over Aaron when he realized this included football. He had visions of spending Sunday afternoons curled up on the couch with his little football fan. Looks like he'll he spending those Sunday afternoons alone.

Another interesting point that was touched on was not using a stroller constantly. While in a stroller a child just sits there and relaxes, but when you put them in a wagon they have to engage their core muscles to hold themselves up. Therefore being more present. Also by the age of 5, children can walk long distances, just at their own pace. One thing I have always hated was seeing parents pushing a giant kid in a stroller that can obviously walk but probably through a tantrum and got his way. No thank you. Similarly, parents must let the child perform tasks for themselves if they have already proven they can accomplish themselves. For example putting on their own shoes. Once a child has mastered this there is no reason for the parent to continue to put on their shoes. I can imagine this task would be very frustrating if your trying to get out the door quickly. But nonetheless, very important. Patience is not my strong suit, something I need to focus on before little Penelope arrives.

I'm sure Ill remember many more interesting topics from the talk last night as well as through my Montessori readings. This post will probably have many more sequels. Sorry to those who think its boring but YAY for those interested.


  1. Hey Emma,
    I put Jakey in a private school for pre-school and 1 month of private K.

    I pulled him out of that $400 per month ( I know right! ) within 1 month, he was very unhappy at his school because it was totally strict (catholic).
    How can a kindergartener hate school? It was a really, really, really hard choice for me as my previous stance on public school was "over my dead body!"

    I researched my school district and found we were 4 blocks from a program that was kick-ass! Seriously the test scores and reviews were killer, and the added bonus was it was know as kind of a gateway school to the advanced placement programs. YAY!

    Long story short, go with your gut research as many assistance programs as you can find, and be confident that regardless of where she goes she will always come home to you and Aaron, your love, your morals and ethics, and she is made of two wonderful people. Love the blogs

    1. Thanks for commenting! I agree that some private and public schools just suck, doesnt matter how much money you pay.

  2. It bothers me to see lunky kids being chauffeured around in a stroller, when they could be running around pulling things off racks.

    1. Penelope will be doing neither. I can guarantee that.

  3. Ok, so I have some opinions on the TV thing. I know there is this epidemic of parents not letting there kids watch tv, but a little is NOT that bad. We all grew up watching sesame street and other things and turned out fine. I am totally not saying you should plunk your kid in front of the tube all the time, but a little tv or a movie from time to time is fine! They can't always engage all the time and read books all the time. its ok to relax and watch a little elmo. Again, totally my opinion. I have been around so many moms in the childcare at the gyms that are so stressed about Dora being on while their kids are in the daycare for half hour. Its ok moms, they will live. its not going to make them dumb! We don't let the kids I nanny for watch the much tv, but I am finding that the fact we have made such a big deal about NOT watching tv all the time, that thats all they want to do. I guess its really about finding the right balance.

    As for Montessori, I worked in a Montessori school for a while and it is an interesting way of learning. In some ways it was so great because it is so independent and kids really learn to fend for themselves and be self sufficient. In other ways it was tricky because the kids would find one thing they liked and then neglect other topics. If they loved the math science table, thats where they wants to stay, if they loved art and reading, thats where they wanted to stay. So making sure to find that balance where your child is getting the a good all around education. I didn't love that they let 3 year olds use knives to cut strawberries, but one of the teachers was kind of a whack so that could have had something to do with it haha.

    So annoying to see a huge kid in a stroller! unless momma is going for a run, the kid can walk!

    Ok I am done.

    1. Thanks for commenting Brit! The whole television aspect is really hard, but I do know we will not be using it as a babysitter for Penelope like many parents. If we treat playing outside as more exciting then she'll want to do that instead, or coloring, etc. Those are my hopes anyways. Its kind of one of those trial and error things and hope we dont mess up too much along the way.
