Sunday, June 3, 2012

Nursery Update

People keep asking Aaron and I if we are ready for our new addition. And with less than 5 weeks to go we overwhelmingly reply "Hell No!" We aren't in the slightest bit ready. Mentally? Sure we are ready, I would like a few more weeks of natural birth preparation however. But as far as baby stuff goes we are severely lacking. We have some clothes, a children's rocking chair and a stuffed animal. That is all. No bed, no diapers, no wipes, no anything. 

Here are pictures from this morning of Penelope's room:

The painting just recently started, her room was the paint and tool storage room for the first few weeks of living here. And Zeus even lovingly blessed it with his nose burning stench of a poop 2 weeks ago. Which of course threw this hormonal pregnant woman overboard. In his defense he was sick and was considerate enough to poop on the plastic covering the carpet. 

This is her closet and everything we have purchased or received as gifts. 

Ive said it before but it still doesn't seem real to me. I definitely look like I am about to pop out a baby any second but I don't feel like it will ever happen. There is no sign of an upcoming baby in our apartment. Hopefully once her room gets painted we will begin to decorate and purchase more baby items.

Other people I know who are having babies around the same time as us have everything in place, right down to the color coordinated hangers in the closet. While I would love to be that far along, we just aren't and that's okay. Penelope just better wait and cook just a little while longer. Otherwise her Dad will have to get sent out on a manic shopping trip, which wouldn't be pretty for anyone involved. 

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