Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Bigger the Better

I havent been one of those who takes a million pictures of my belly, not that I dont want to but simply...I forget, pregnancy brain.Ugh. But I have managed to take a few.
The belly first appeared while we were visiting Aaron's family in El Paso at around 12 weeks, I half blame the mexican food ;) I definetly didnt look pregnant, but more like I ate an entire box of donuts or drank a six-pack of beer. Here are some pictures to keep everyone up to date on my ever-growing belly:

13 weeks
My first belly picture, I thought I was huge!

16 weeks

18 weeks
Really excited I no longer look like I've eaten Aaron's meal as well as my own and more like a pregger.

18 weeks
My very first expectant mom parking space, I was so excited I made Aaron repark the car 2 spots down so I could have my moment.

 19 weeks
Taken last night for Valentine's Day

The belly has come a long way and I have a feeling it still has a looong way to go.  Every single Friday morning I swear I wake up and my belly has literally drastically grown overnight.  I keep saying Im going to measure myself the night before and compare it to the morning, but once again, pregnancy brain, I keep forgetting.  No matter how uncomfortable I may be, I absoluetly love my belly.