Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Parent Decisions

Updated Giant Penelope Stats:
Weight: 13 lbs. 9 oz. (80th percentile)
Length: 24 in. (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: (90th percentile)
Today Penelope had her first real appointment at her pediatricians office.  She had her last and final check up at the Birth Center at 6 weeks old.  We were supposed to take her to the pediatrician between 8-9 weeks but we were uneasy and scared. Who is scared of the big bad pediatrician? We were.  Well not the doctor personally but the health care system in general.
Vaccinations. I know its a "hot topic" and people usually believe in one way or another, whether to vaccinate or not.  Aaron and I take the health of our child very serious, like all loving parents do.  We decided on a natural birth for the sole reason that we didn't want Penelope's tiny (or giant) body to come into contact with any drugs of any kind.  Once we made that, easy enough, decision I didn't realize we would have to make such a hard decision so soon after birth.  To vaccinate or not, that is the question.  The midwives at the birth center told us of the pros and cons but ultimately it was our decision.  Like all decisions, we have made with regards to Penelope, we researched the shit out of it. I lost sleep because of it.  What if these vaccines negatively affected my baby? What if they changed her? What if she contracted an illness that could have been prevented with a simple vaccine? I could never live with myself.  It still sends me into anxiety mode when I think about it.  Aaron and I both felt damned if we do, damned if we don't.
I forced myself to make the appointment.  That way we would have no choice but to make a decision.  There would be no more putting it off.  Aaron and I decided on a delayed selective vaccination schedule.  What does that mean?  Well, it means spacing out the vaccinations over a few of years instead of a few months.  It also means we opted out of a couple vaccinations we felt were unnecessary, especially for an infant. 
I don't judge those who vaccinate and those who don't.  Parents make the best decisions for their families.  I feel that the route we choose was a good medium ground.  We both feel great with the decision we made.

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