Monday, July 2, 2012


Like most of our days off, today was spent running errands. Trying to get as many things accomplished as we possibly can. Our list is slowly but surely getting smaller and smaller, yet of course other things keep getting added. 

As we were out and about I started having some very painful contractions. Luckily they all happened in the car so I was already sitting and relaxing through them was easy, well as easy as that can be. However, while this string of contractions went on I was secretly giving Aaron directions to Baskin Robbins. He didn't know where I was taking him but he knew it was important because I was able to open my eyes and navigate our way through the deep breathing techniques we had learned using the Bradley Method. As soon as he saw the 31 Flavors sign he knew where I had been directing him and burst out laughing.

Contractions or not, sometimes a girl needs her Peanut Butter 'n Chocolate ice cream!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Peanut Butter 'n' Chocolate. That's the very best. I dragged your father and granddad to Baskin Robins this weekend for my fix. I guess I was having sympathy cravings!!!
