Friday, July 6, 2012

Dear Health Care

Like a lot of Americans I was without health insurance for years (and for 9 months of my pregnancy). I never had any health emergencies thankfully, however the "what ifs" were always in the back of my mind.

The day I found out I was pregnant I applied for Medicaid Perinatal, to cover all of my prenatal appointments as well as labor and delivery costs. Much to my surprise I was denied. Apparently my income was too high, yes that's right a part-time server (and student) made too much money for government assistance. I then applied for CHIP Perinatal, basically the same thing as Medicaid just for people with higher incomes. Denied...once again. Apparently I made too little to qualify for CHIP and was told to apply for Medicaid. I was stuck in an evil health care black hole. It was around this time that Aaron and I made the decision to go the natural birthing route and since Medicaid/CHIP doesn't cover this type of birthing I gave up the hope of receiving assistance. We continued on as "Self-Pay" patients of the Austin Area Birthing Center with a new $4,000 bill to be paid in monthly installments due before my 37th week. While this was a shit ton of money to us, it is just a fraction of the cost of a OB/GYN and hospital labor/delivery. But we didn't choose to go the natural route because of financial reasons, I would have fought those damn Medicaid people everyday if I felt it was a better way to bring Penelope into the world.

Fast forward to present at 40 weeks pregnant. I once again applied for CHIP Perinatal for the sole reason that once covered Penelope would be covered upon birth. I don't care if I never go to the doctor but she needs too. Apparently now I qualify for assistance and have been covered by Regence-Blue Shield. I am so glad that I was finally accepted, however, why now? Why not when I might have actually used it? I could have possibly found a OB/GYN who would let me birth naturally...maybe. There are tons of people who abuse all aspects of governmental assistance yet someone who is trying to better themselves through college education and supporting herself doesn't qualify? As you can tell I am still bitter even though I would not change our Birthing Center decision for anything.

Aaron is also insurance-less. And while his school will be offering health insurance in the fall semester he is out of luck for the next 7 weeks. He has needed multiple root canals for as long as we have been together, and of course the pain from one of them has now become too unbearable so we must foot the bill for a $2,000 root canal/crown. And while the Dentist we were referred to by his University is an Alum of the same University he doesn't offer student discounts or any sort of payment plan. Perfect. How awesome.

I am so sick of the lack of health care and general care in the health field. Why is it so damn hard? Why aren't people who need help being helped? And how are those abusing the system getting through the cracks? Don't people become doctors/dentists to help people? I am not sure if we are being helped or getting screwed, although I know what we are leaning towards and it isn't pretty.

I read this article today- "Russell Dohner, Illinois Doctor, Charges Patients $5 For Entire Physician Visit". There needs to be more people like this in this country.

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